Cross Country Bank
The Phone Calls never end. Consumer rip-off fraud

Business & Finance

I got a visa Card from CCB about 2 years ago I noticed all the fees so I cancelled the Card, but the fees and the balance kept going and going my oringal Balance (all but 150 dollars) has gone from $350 to nearly $1200.
It is impossible to ever pay these people off.

The are calling me 10 and 15 times a day at work, on my company cell phone and at night at home. Then tonight the guy who called me accused me of Credit Card Fruad since I would not pay the fee's on top of fee's or give him my checking account information.

He said that they would file charges against me and have me arrested. For What not waiting to get ripped off.
Help how do you get this taken care off they are pushing me toward Bankruptcy with all this.

Scott, Louisiana

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: PO Box 31071
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Cross Country Bank
Cross country bank beware of hidden fees, do not use this card they will rip you off too!

Cross country bank visa credit card
Cross Country Bank visa credit card ripping me off. Charges over and over for nothing I did Boca Raton

Cross Country Bank
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Cross Country Bank
Consumer fraud ripoff

Cross Country Bank
Has misapplied my payments posted them late and denied all my letters of investigation and compliance to correct their deceptive errors

Cross Country Bank
Tell to keep their cards along with all their HIDDEN FEES!