GC Services
Ripoff dishonest and they lie about updating your account

Business & Finance

GC Services contacted me about my student loan, I agreed to pay them each month, however, when I got to the six month of my repayment they did not update my account information with the new account number, saying that they should have verified the account, BUT somehow it was not verified, therefore I was being dropped from the program, and I had to reenter at a higher repayment rate.

The guy I talked with on the phone had balls of steel, we would not have had the same conversation face to face. Therefore, I am filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, and contacting my lawyer, and filing a complaint with the GC Services office.

The way they handle these situations is not acceptable, and the more people that get outraged and say enough is enough, they will start to listen, if not pursue legal actions to make them stop. We all work to hard to be bullied by these despots of ill will.

Company: GC Services
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 4777 HILTON CORP DR
Phone: 6148562003
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