Expresscents, Designer Scents

Business & Finance

I also have been an unfourtunate victim of a scam from this candle co. I am still paying off a $10,000. Charge on my credit card, had to move cause I lost my job and could not sell these candles like they said I could. Please someone help me get my money back from these criminals that work with this company.

Company: Expresscents, Designer Scents
Country: United States Minor Outlying Islands
State: Rhode Island
City: Providence
Address: Rhode Island
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Elite Designs, Designer Scents, Country Kitchen Candles, Express Scents
Elite Designs - Designer Scents - Country Kitchen Candlels - Express Scents ripoff fraudulent scam artists

Designer Scents - Country Candles - Elite Designs - Expresscents
Ripoff scam

Anthony Antonelli - Mitch Centricco - Ron Wattu -Country Kitchen Candles -Expresscents -Elite Design
Anthony Antonelli - Mitch Centricco - Ron Wattu - Country Kitchen Candles - Expresscents - Elite Designs. Ripoff Scam artists start new businesses under different names

ExpresScents - Country Kitchen Candles
Ripoff: Deceptive and unethical business practices designed to attract and sell Owner / Operator Distributorships for company products

Express Scents
Designer Scents, Elite Designs Ripoff Deceptive sales Defective product no support Work at home sacm Providence

ExpresScents - Elite Designs - Country Kitchen Candles
ExpresScents AKA Elite Designs AKA Country Kitchen Candles Fraudulent, Deceptive, Sales Tactics to get contract signed and Steal your money! Defective Products, Hidden Costs, Grossly Mistated Income Potential, Lies, Lies, Lies Work at Home RIPOFF

Failure to deliver completed order and refusal to respond to emails or return money

International Candle Corporation
Ripoff Misleading, Scam, lack of support, refuses to answer questions, Poor quality

ExpresScents - Country Kitchen Candles - Elite Designs
I was ripped off and still want my refund mr. Antonelli

Country Kitchen Candles - express Scents, Elite Designs
Country Kitchen Candles express Scents, Elite Designs I agree with shari