First Union National Bank - The Money Store
They took my home and while they had it didnt pay taxs, so now i may lose it again

Business & Finance

I took out a loan and line of credit from the money store when they were using that name, they messed the loan and line of credit up so they knew in the end it would be easy to take my home from me. I went for several years trying to keep things right and keep them paid and mking arrangements and being promised all that was owed would be included in the revised agreement only to find out sometime later it wasnt and they had taken my home and was trying to evict me from it.

I took them to court and was able to file bankrupcy and get back my home and pay them off only to find out that well they had the house they never paid any of the taxs on the house. They put me in over $6,000 in debt with taxs. I am now little under a week and half of tying to come up with $4,000 to keep from losing my house on march 31 because of them. I am at the point where i am left to beg and borrow money from family and freinds, and do what i can on disabliltiy because i am also handicapped.

Company: First Union National Bank - The Money Store
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: Po Box 52117
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