National Action Financial Services
Ripoff Rude offensive unprofessional in every way imaginable

Business & Finance

If you ever have the misfortune to have anyone from this company call you... Do not get into a screaming match with them. They will sink to levels you never thought possible. They will threaten, belittle, insult you and show themselves to be the miserable human beings they are.

Bill collectors are a special breed and these jerks are the pick of the litter. Immediately send them a cease and desist letter by certified mail or, as one charming rep (Charlene) informed me when I told her not to call me at work "I will call you 10 times a day every day until I get that letter."

She let me know what a good person she is because SHE pays her bills and she doesn't understand why deadbeats like me think I can run up bills and not pay for them. Sometimes you run into unexpected expenses and you must prioritize. They didn't care.

When I called back to try to arrange a pay off I then got the rudest man I have ever dealt with. Who proceeded to scream at me and then hang up on me. Apparently unless you're a total a*hole you can't get a job there.

They might not honor the cease and desist. They didn't honor mine. They actually called me anyway. Big mistake. So I will be bringing a suit against them. I would rather have one bad mark on my credit than give them the satisfaction of paying them one thin dime.

Company: National Action Financial Services
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Williamsville
Address: 165 Lawrence Bell Dr. Ste. 100
Phone: 8665651020
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