Family Credit Counseling
Lost a money order back in october for 600.00 and debited my bank account twice in one week will not put funds back will not return phone calls Ripoff

Business & Finance

There is no doubt whatsoever that this company is a fradulent practice. They have blamed all of their issues and incompetence on the hurricane but they are up and running enough to debit my account and other peoples' accounts as well. I joined the program in october and they lost my first money order and although i call about it and faxed over all of the documents they would need to locate it, no one is doing anything about it. No one returns phone calls or responds to emails. I have left and sent message after message and when you do get through to someone they are sweet as pie and reassuring and "oh i dont know how this could have happened, we have had a hurricane blah blah blah." The latest was that last week they debited my account twice for 570.00 within a few days of each other and won't put the money back into my account. I have called everyday regarding this issue since last friday. Time to get serous here. No more being understanding and patient. This is my life they are messing with here. Oh and the kicker is that i am being harasses literally by my creditors morning noon and night because my guess is that none of the funds i have sent these people has been disbursed among my creditors. Yes i did get myself in to a little debt and i have made some mistakes but i wanted to right my mistakes and you want to trust these companies to help you repair the damage that you have done. Up until the point were i joined this so called debt relief program my credit score was outstanding and all of my payments were on time. Now i fear that it looks to my creditors as if i just simply stopped paying. I hope the damage these people have caused me is not irepairable. What a really hard, hard lesson to learn this was. Stay away people and don't trust these s.O.B.S

Company: Family Credit Counseling
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lauderdale Lakes
Address: 4850 Northstate Road 7suite G104
Phone: 8662406874
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