US Bank
Ripoff from 7 $34 overdraft fees when all but one item was funded!

Business & Finance

US Bank charged 7 $34 overdraft fees to my account on Dec 27, and there was funding for all of the items that went through except for one. I forgot about that single item, and it was my mistake so I'm willing to pay the ONE fee for it. All of the funds for the other items had even been removed from my available balance already, before that last item posted.instead of paying the items that had already been subtracted, the bank sent the last item to post through first, so it would create maximum damage, and create these exorbitant fees. All of the already funded items were paid by MY funds already in the account, so there should not have been any overdraft charges on them. I attempted to work this out through the proper person at the bank, and since it was during the holidays, I got blown off until today 1/3, and then in addition, they have charged me $7 per day, per charge while I was waiting for the person who had to make the decision on possibly reversing some of the fees, to come back from her vacation! I was told when I called to ask what they were doing to my account and why, that they would do something about this for me. When I called back today, because the person who promised to get back to me, didn't, I was informed that they were not going to refund ANY of the fees, even though the items were funded except for the one I should have been charged the fee for.

I am a single mother, on unemployment, with 2 teenagers. The amount they took in fees is the majority of my rent! Then they threaten me that they will close the account and report me to Chex systems so I can't have another checking account for 5 years if I don't have the money in there by the end of this week to cover their ridiculous fees. Do they really think I should not pay my rent in order to take care of bank fees that I never should have been charged in the first place? Not gonna happen!

What is up with this horrible, heartless bank? I can't afford the financial raping they gave me and they refuse to work with me on this, regardless of seeing that they were wrong in black and white... What options do I have here?

There is another complaint against this corporation, only in Minnesota instead of Iowa, under US Bancorp dba US Bank, but the site would not allow me to link to it.

Company: US Bank
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Marion
Address: 895 31st St
Phone: 3193779645
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