Citi Financial
Dishonest and deceptive business practices Ripoff

Business & Finance

I have a loan thru Citi Financial Inc. And have paid faithfully for over a year all my required payments. I went in to make my november loan payment and was informed that i could forgo my november and december payment if i liked since i was such a good customer and had an excellent pay record. Desiring a financial break being close to christmas i said sure. I asked and was solidly guarentedd that no CHANGES or CHARGES would be added to my account, and that everything would remain the same. I asked diligently 4 or 5 times being very explicit... There will be NO CHANGES and or CHARGES added to my account? I was informed by the lady there that was taking care of me that that was correct, that no CHANGES or CHARGES would be added to my account. All i would have to do is to sign this form... I asked what is what and her words exactly were..." you will be resigning your original loan form and wee can give you November and december off from any payments ". So I signed it wanting to believe her and accepting that she was being honest. I was raised to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially business people who are suppose to be honest and reputable. I do not go around randomely accusing people of being dishonest without any proof or treating them as such especially since they are in business and are required to do business honestly and treat customers in like manner. She quickly folded up the papers and put them in an envelope and handed them to me and having pressing things to get done was on my way. When i got home and opened them to further examine them was I ever shocked and surprised to see what she had pulled on me. My loan that had a total payback of 13,000.00 dollars and had been paid down to just over 10,000.00 was now back to over 13,000.00 and she had charged me over 280.00 for the service, that I might add was not made known before hand to me. Also my due date was changed from the 18th of the month and moved up to the 1st of the month. I did receive a check for 99.00 dollars which seems pitiful next to the 3,000.00 dollars they put back on my loan payoff. And then when I went to a debt consolidation organization to organize and lower my debts by lowering fees and interest as they do and having one lump sum to pay which is distributed out to all my creditors. All of my creditors except for them gladly excepted the terms and decided to work with me. But they have resisted and went as far as to tell me that they would not work with them because they were not non-profit. That if I was to change to a non profit group they would accept the terms and work with me. I found this to be both hypocritical and unexceptable as it is no matter and not up to them who i choose to do debt consolidation thru. It is my choice and it is a reputable company. If they are willing to work thru one, then they must be also willing to work thru the other. I found out that If I dropped the one to go with another, that that would be a bad move and show that i was insincere and the others would not want to work with me. So they were trying to trip me up even further. I find them to be preditory, dishonest, lacking ethics or good morals and am appauled that they are able to carry on in such a dishonest and unfair manner. I would gladly welcome any honest and leagal help, advice, guidance and the like. Americans, we must band together to stop this type of financial tyranny. Thank You, an honable veteren, and good christian citizen, Michael

Company: Citi Financial
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Chattanooga
Address: 3823 Ringgold Rd
Phone: 4236982458
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