One Main Financial
Constant harassing phone calls

Business & Finance

I obtained a loan from a One Main Financial branch located in Indianapolis, IN. I was puzzled thereafter to learn that they reported the entire amount of the loan (including interest) on my credit report - that would be like a mortgage company reporting the total amount of payments, not the loan.

I have had the loan for awhile, and recently needed to have it included in a debt management program. The debt management provider makes one payment per month to my creditors. However, this is not good enough for One Main Financial. While no other creditors do this, immediately after their due date, they call. And call. And call. I explain to them that it is a part of the program and the debt management company makes payment once a month to my creditors and they will be getting their payment, and the very next day they are calling again. Not only does the main location call, but the local office calls. I am getting 10 phone calls a day from them, and I've told them it's pointless for me to relay the same information to them every single day. The local office even called me at work, AFTER I had told them I am not allowed to receive phone calls at work and to not call me there.

If you can avoid it, do not get a loan with them!!!

Company: One Main Financial
Country: USA
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