NCO Financial
Ripoff, Trying to take Money

Business & Finance

Me and my husband were contacted on my cell phone from a company NCO Financial. They said he owed almost 1,000 from a capital one visa. The debt was over 5 years old and written off. Capital one did not even have it in there records anymore. They told me they would expect a settlment of 600.00. I agreeded in order to get rid of the dept. So I prepaid with a check and gave them a date it would come out.

Right before the day the money was supposed to come out they sent me a statement saying I owed the full amount. So I cancelled the check because that was not what what aggreeded. I kept receving 100 phone calls a day on my cell all from different people. They would not stop. I just stopped picking up my phone because they would call from a private number.

The other day a lady just called and said the would expect a pay off amount of 300.00. My husband said to send us a statement saying that. Then 2 hours after we talked to her another lady from the company called asking for a differnt amount. Now we are getting all kinds of weird phone calls on our cell phones. One call saying we got a 5,000 goverment grant. They just wanted our account number, we told them no and kept calling. Since this company has contacted us we have been getting all kinds of odd phone calls from companies we have never heard of.

I can see there are a lot of people on here who have been getting ripped off by this company. I have not heard from them in a week. So we will see what happens next.

Company: NCO Financial
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Horsham
Address: 507 Prudential Road
Phone: 8002202274
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