America's Servicing Company
Ripoff excess fees, late charges, multiple attempts to withdraw funds for monthly payment unauthorized

Business & Finance

America's Servicing Company set up an unauthorized automatic payment out of my checking account. They attempted to collect monies from the account twice in Novemeber three times in December and twice in Januray 2005. All seven times my bank rejected them and charged me $20.00 a piece for the overdraft attempts. The total was $140.00 in NSF fees.
I contacted America's serving company about writing a letter that they had made a mistake so my bank would reverse the fees. I have never received the letter. I called back to a supervisor and was told the fees that my back charged were my problem - America's Serving company would consider reversing some of the late fees that they charged because the payments were not received in time.
I tried to explain that I would never authorize multiple attempts to collect the payment. I would only authorize one payment when I knew the funds would be in my checking account.

In January the customer service rep appologized but again stated that I was behind in my payments and needed to get caught up by the end of Janaury. I called the Servicing company and made the payment by the 30th of the month. I spoke to someone who finally was able to take me off the automatic payment feature. I could not believe this had taken three months. I again asked them to provide something in writing so I could present it to my back as they still did not believe I had not authorized the payments.

I have never received the letter to give to my bank to reverse the fees. I had to close the account and they have since reported me to the bad check service. This has really hurt my credit.

The company does not have a web site that can be accessed by the customers. I feel they are way behind the times and are out to maximize their profits by charges unnecessary fees to the consumer.

Camarillo, California

Company: America's Servicing Company
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Phone: 8664300675
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