Ripoff, They Refused Payment, Now They Want To Foreclose, Civil Lawsuit Long Overdue!

Business & Finance

I refinaced my home with Aegis Mortage Company in April. I've own my home since May 1990. Exactly one month after refinacing with Ageis, I get a letter from Homecomings Finacial stating they have taken over the loan agreement from Ageis. I never signed an agresment with Homecomings nor did Ageis contact me to let me know what was about to transpire.

Come on now, we are talking about my home. So I figured maybe this is something mortages company do, I don't know, but I know it's not fair. Sell the rights of my home to this fraudrulent company that's driving me crazy.

My first payment to Homecoming was June. I paid all payments on time as always. February I made payment by phone as I would do on some occasions. One month later March I get a phone call from one of their reps Tobey stating my home was in foreclosure. I have to set up pre payment plans and all kind of crap.

I just had to sit and laugh about this situation. I called for two weeks before getting a person to talk to me. I don't think anyone works in the office after 1200 noon. They would be arrogant and give you a I don't give a dam attitude. I would ask to speak to superior, but none where ever made available.

The company I signed a contract agrement is located in Nashville, Tenneessee, 40 miles from my doorstep. Homecoming is located in Dallas, Texas, over 400 miles from my door step. If I have questions about my home I would like to have the option of talking to someone in person, I want to talk to someone with aurthority who knows what is going on. I get different reps each time giving me inncorrect information about my account. My Monthly Mortage Account Summary had my brother an accountant scrathing his head. I work in management myself. I read finance summaries all day long.

This company is nothing but a scam. My summaries from month to month are never accurate. This is the reason I would like to choose who I want to do business with especially when it comes to my home. With the reputation this company has I would have never signed on the dottied line, if I knew my house would be taken away from me like a slave.

I've heard of this type of company they run and I wanted no part of them being the title holder of my home. I've been fighting with this company since exactly one year after doing business with them. They would still refuse payment at the present time. I try to re finance with another company but they're sending false imformation to credit reports.

I just want out of contract with this company, I never agreed to do business with them in the first place. I can go on and on with this company but I'll stop here. Somthing has to be done. Please count me in. Please contact me if suit is ever filed.

Company: Homecomings
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Site: www.homecomings.com
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