Drive Financial Services
Ripoff Improper harrassing phone calls

Business & Finance

Last week Drive Financial called my personal office / business number around 8-10 times asking to speak with a certain individual concerning a financial matter. The individual they are asking for is not known to me and does not now nor has ever worked here. On each call I've advised them of their error. I have informed them that the individual they are wishing to speak to must have given them an incorrect phone number. On each call I have also instructed them to not call this number again.

This morning I received two more calls from them.

Since I'm receiving harrassing phone calls from them when I've never done business with them you can bet that I will never voluntarily choose to do business with them.

This company needs to improve its collection procedures and quit making multiple calls to erroneous phone numbers.

Company: Drive Financial Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 8585 N. Stemmons Fwy., Suite 1100- N
Phone: 8882224227
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