EMC Mortage
Ripoff harrassment false statements

Business & Finance

Our mortgage was purchased by EMC Mortgage a week after we refinanced. After a few months, our monthly payment had increased from 480 to 700 due to an escrow account that EMC decided to open without our permission. We contacted EMC who stated that they had purchased an insurance policy for the house. We already had insurance through a company that we have always used. We were instructed to have our insurance company fax proof of insurance, and this would be resolved. We did this, but EMC kept saying that they had not received the proof of insurance. The fourth time, I went to the insurance office and watched the fax go myself and called EMC to be sure they got it.in the meantime, we received a copy of the policy that EMC purchased, it was crap! I refused to pay the extra 200, I'm not paying for two insurance policies.

In the meantime, our account went into default because I wouldn't pay for the policy.

We suffered some financial difficulty due to illness and loss of income. I was prepared to get a loan to keep up the payments, but contacted EMC who stated that "we qualified for hardship due to illness and loss of income, so two payments would be deferred to the end of the loan" Two months later we get a statement that says our mortgage loan is in foreclosure!

We contacted EMC again, the rep stated "I don't know who told you that the payments would be deferred, but it isn't true, however, I will submit documents for the hardship and deferrals, but your account has to be paid to date first" This amount includes the escrow payment that I'm not paying. Now our credit report states that we are 3 months behind on mortgage. We can't buy anything. This has to be illegal. I am ready to seek legal counsel. Can anyone help us? We are harassed day and night by this company. I'm ready to throw up my hands. They've already ruined my credit, so take the house right?

Company: EMC Mortage
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Irving
Address: PO Box 141358
Phone: 8004367397
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