Sallie Mae
Confusing and Rude on 'Smart' option student loan

Business & Finance

I've been using Sallie Mae for years and never had a problem with paying my undergraduate student loans. However, when my (international) graduate school advised me to get a 'Smart Option' student loan that's where I ran into trouble. I don't know what happened to Sallie Mae over the past few years, but everyone I talked to on the phone after my loan was approved was extremely rude. I was passed from person to person and had to explain my situation upwards for 5 times. I needed paperwork for a visa and they failed to get it to me in time which had been a major part of my decision. When I asked to speak to a manager I was told they were all in a meeting. Multiple times. (Which suggests that it is a meeting that never actually ends) In the end I had to fund the first semester, moving fees and visa costs myself. When I asked them about payments during school I got conflicting and confusing information which led me to take on two jobs just to make the payments each month. When I asked if I could change or alter the payment plan to make things easier they suggested I just send them the money back and pay for it myself. I was not only offended but hurt that the company I trusted for years with my education had suddenly decided to treat me like a thief instead of a borrower.

Is Sallie Mae a bad company? I don't know. But I do know that my expectations of the quality and service have been greatly altered this year.

Company: Sallie Mae
Country: USA
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