Homeside Lending - Washington Mutual
Homeside Lending/Washington Mutual ripoff, humiliate me, slander me, scored the paint on my car. San Antonio

Business & Finance

My loan was supposed to be with a savings and loan, but ended up at Homeside. My problems concerned the escrow account, for whihc they have been sued a number of times. THey did me wrong for years, demanding that their cusihion was equal to the insurance and tax payments totals after the taxes and insurance had been paid. To do this, they would send a statement demanding $3,000 or other such unattainable figure immediately, take the next two or three house notes for escrow making the payments to the loan late, then debit my account for other fictitious fees pursuant to being late. I fought them tooth and nail over this for years. The real problems started when I notified them that I had a tenant who was trying to declare bankruptcy to get out of eviction and so might be a little late on the payments, since I needed the rent money to pay the mortgage, and the tenant was 6 mos. Overdue. (I was not late actually by more than a few days, but they didnt' care. They had the B word on their brains, small as they are!) They thought I was declaring bankruptcy, since they employ stupid people. I was then dumped into a vat of Hell. They started sending out "inspectors" who said the house was empty, when the new tenant displayed everything she owned on the floor of the house, and the front door was glass, and they had lots of vehicles parked in the driveway. They would then send a notice to the insurance company, who would write a rider policy for a vacant building, and send a bill to escrow who would debit the account. I was not notified of this until several months after the fact. They sent these investigators out every few weeks, so this went on for months. I lived out of the city several hundred miles away. Then they would take one of the mortgage payments to correct the "shortfall" in the escrow account, thereby noting me as late with the attendant late fees against the escrow. I would notify the insurance agent that the house was not empty, send a copy of the latest rent check and lease, and the amount would not be recredited to my account for months, even though the agent sent the money back. So I was somehow falling later and later behind, and more checks would be credted to escrow, and I would be later, and more inspectors would say the house was empty. All the while I am talking for hours to someone in another city who would say "Yes, we made a mistake and are correcting it", but would not correct it. I finally had enough of being on hold with smartassed idiots, so I told one of them "I can see why people "go Postal, " after dealing with this company and the idiots they employ. I'm not talking to anyone on the phone anymore. I'm coming down there to talk to someone in person! I want you to get Mrs. So and so and tell her I want to know why this has not been fixed four months after she told me she had handled it". When I got there, no one would talk to me. I went up to the top floor and asked for the woman. Every one was acting evasive and weird, and they started clearing the building. The stupid f* kid I had been talking to told the managers that I had threatened to blow up the building!!! I was held in an area and strip searched by the police for hours, grilled like a criminal and totally humiliated for hours. They finally sent someone to talk to me about the issue, which they initially denied knowing about or being responsible for. I had all of my notes, showing the time of the each call, and all the people I was transferred to and hung up on, and referred out to, with all of their remarks and promises to fix the problem. I especially emphasised that this woman had given me her assurances that she would handle the situation by adjusting all the charges from the escrow account, recrediting the payments correctly and removing the late fees, and deleting all the late payments from my credit report. They finally admitted that they were in error and had treated me badly, but they never apologized for calling the police and putting me through that hell because an incompetent could not perform his job correctly and wanted to be Chicken Little for the whole company. I guess he got to feel important to his boss, and is probably a VP by now. At any rate, I sold the house to get rid of Washington Mutual/Homeside Lending. They have never changed their practices, and I would never use them again. P.S. I had a good job as the top saleswoman for the entire 5 state area for five years, for SWBell advertising making at least $75,000 yr when I bought this $79,000 house. I was disabled in an on the job auto accident 2 yrs. After I bought the house. I was struggling to make the mortgage payments with no real income, since all of the insurance companies agreed that I was disabled, but none of them would pay unitl the other ones did, so I had to hire a lawyer to sue them all, and he got $300,000 of the $385,000 settlement.

Cherylenew braunfels, Texas

Company: Homeside Lending - Washington Mutual
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
Address: 9333 Research Blvd
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