Green Tree
Ripoff / a den of snakes that need to be shut down then pay the poor folks who got burned

Business & Finance

After the death of my spouse, the life insurence payed what was owed on the double wide we had bought in 1999. Green tree / what ever else name they use, (who knows with this bunch of snakes) wouldnt send use the pappers on the home, they stated we owed some thing like 2500 bucks, because they had put insurence on the home. At this time my sons got involved, and tryed many times to get the pay off amount, finaly we got a dollar amount and sent it to them, they sent it back? Said we didnt sent it to the right department. We sent again, it was sent back after a week, stating it wasnt the right amount.

Again we ask how much did we owe, and we didnt want the insurence because we had it all ready, and had not ask for it.
It was taken off, but now again we can not get a pay off. They sent a montly statement saying i should pay them 358.59 per. This i did not ask for, i ask for a pay off amount.

Next call we was told they couldnt give us the pay off because it had been sent to recovers= repo. How can they do this when they doen got payed by the insurence..

Last call i made was again for the total pay off. I was told they would fax it to me... 2 weeks ago, no fax has come... And wont,,, now i dont know what to do,

Any one tell me what i sould do that wont cost me a arm and a leg,


Company: Green Tree
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St. Paul
Address: 345 St. Peter Street St Paul, mn 55102
Phone: 8006430202
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