How Citibank Stole my MOney - banking

Business & Finance

I work hard, really hard and I make enough money to get by. I am not rich by any standards and also have student loans to clear.

Around this time last year a certain amount of money was to be deposited into my bank account from my provident fund office in India. Even after a year, that money has not been credited. Even worse, on further investigation, it turns out that not only has this money not been credited, it was not even returned to the Provident Fund Office. The PF office has written a complaint to Citibank about this (attached picture) but this has simply been ignored.

I would like to understand what Citibank has done with my money. You filthy corrupt bastards take money from the hard working middle class with absolute no shame. These Christmas gifts and offers you are promoting are probably off the money you stole from me in the first place.

What have you done with my money?

Company: Citibank
Country: USA
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