Garden - garden dept


My name is Donna Skeens, I shop at the Walmart on Vine st.in Eastlake Oh. I frequent the garden section. As I was leaving after making a big purchase of flowers and soil, I saw pewter landscaping bricks for. 98. The sign said 1.28 for the straight scalloped and. 98 for the curved ones. When I went in to purchase them she said they were 1.28 also. It became an argument that even the customers got involved. She sent another girl out to check price, I followed, the sign said. 98, she moved it and said, "we have a lot of young kids here and they put stuff everywhere where it don't go." I said, "well, they were priced at. 98, that is why I stopped to purchase them." It became an argument there also. At this point a customer came outside and said I was holding up the register. I said, "no, she is holding up the register." At this point, heart racing, adrenaline going, I went to customer service up front. The lady was so nice, she called a manager, the manager listened and said it was their mistake, not mine. She told the girl to call back and get a stock number and I could pay here at the front desk. She (the manager) left. The girl called back to the garden section and the lady was even yelling at her. I could not believe it. This lady definately is giving Walmart a bad name. I work a few buildings down at Flavors on the Vine family restaurant and frequent this Walmart. I will not go their if this lady continues to work their. She acts like she owns the place and everyone in it. Please Respond!

Company: Wal-Mart
Country: USA
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