Aqua Globe
So Far So Good - Aqua Globe


At first when i inserted the aqua globe into my orchid, the water ran right through and flooded the plant, and ran all over the floor. Then i read the instructions. Water the plant first, which that did for me, then take a tool smaller in diameter than the aqua globe (pencil, screwdriver) and make a hole in the soil, then insert the aqua globe into that hole. I have mine straight up, not on an angle. And now that my orchid is watered, and i made the hole, no water has come out again. I think that it will when it is needed. So Far So Good

Company: Aqua Globe
Country: USA
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Aqua Globe
What a great product

Aqua Globe
Ead please!

Aqua Globe
I Love Aqua Globe! - Aqua Globe

Aqua Globe
Got 3 from Dad-in-laq - Aqua Globe

Aqua Globe

Aqua Globe
Devasted - Aqua Glo

Aqua Globe
Great product! - Aqua Globes

Aqua Globe
Works fine for me - Aqua Globe

Aqua Globe
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Aqua Globe
Killed my plant!