I USED to spend money in Walmart


I USED to spend money in Walmart Weekly and Daily. But I have chosen to get my groceries and all else at other places.

I refuse to buy another item from a rude person.
October 4 (my birthday) I walked in to put a ring back on lay away (the one my husband put on a credit card for me) I wanted to wait until Christmas and pay it off with cash. Adell started the lay away with me, she has sold me 6 rings previously. Adell even pierced my babies ears. She is great.

But ON the monring of Oct. 4, I explained to the jewlry manager and the working with all the heavey make up who is always very very rude when i have encountered her in the past.

They told me that i couldn't put the ring on lay away. That it wasn't supposed to be on lay away and that adell had made a mistake. SHE HADn't.

They argued and argued with me about it telling me they don't care if i come back when adel is there or not. They did everything except what i asked them to do. I got very upset with them and their rude behavior and let them know I was not in the mood for their behavior. They got worse. I felt they were witholding my right to make this transaction and the argument excalated. I asked them to call a manager (she said she WAS the manager) I asked for the Store Manager, Charles was sent over and he excorted me out without hearing my side of the story because i was in tears...

In the parking lot i called the walmart Number I have programmed in my cell. Spoke with a different manager on duty. Phillip. He said to come on back in, and he made the transaction with me with no problem at all.

This is why I don't shop any walmarts anymore.
BEcause nothing was done about the rude ladies, or the rude manager.

Why should i spend another dime in that place? If i have to see those people there while shoping, I won't go back. I used to get my pharmacy items there, my contact lenses there, i got my glasses from there and i used to get my groceries there every week..

No more. Those people will NOT be in my way for purchasing, shopping or other legal transactions ever again.

(no walmart will get my business again until i see that this was handled)

Company: Wal-Mart
Country: USA
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