Tme Warner Cable Kingston, NY
The "New Guide"! - time warner cable

TV & Radio

This new guide is for the most part useless!

You can not look up on the "Guide" to see what is playing for the evening on the over priced premium channels. It now requiters you to go through many screens to get to know where what or when or worse no information! The type is to small & the colors or white fonts on a black background is only legible to a very young viewer.

Customer support tells me I am doing it correctly. They walk you through the different screens only to find that they have not a clue to what you are asking. Then after several calls one finds out that many others have complained & they will pass on my complaints! To whom?! @#@! When? #@~$ What will that do? *^&% Before or after I pay my $200.? $#@%

To allow this kind of poor judgment in its design is unbelievable. TW is so far out of touch with its customer base that not only do they continue to go unchecked with their past abusive behavior to the public but they are now adding totally unnecessary complications to what should be a very simple process?

I can not help but believe that TWC is hidden in a board room laughing their ass's of at all of us.

Company: Tme Warner Cable Kingston, NY
Country: USA
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