Direct TV
Ripped off

TV & Radio

I have had service with direct TV for several years. I kept Direct TV although I was without service nearly always... Whenever there was bad weather.
I recently ordered HD and they were very prompt to install. We however had real bad weather about a month and a half ago and apparently the high wind may have moved the dish somewhat, because the signal strength was
only registeribg 40%.
The fool from the Technical Dept.informed me that I would have to go and adjust the dish tosee if that was indeed the problem. When I told them they must be crazy then the offered tosend someone out for $179.
I did not agree to that but they suggested i take out a Repair Protection Policy for $15.00 per month... I agreed.

They were to have shown up in four days. Rhey did not show nor called, I awas without service fpr over three weeks and after no apology, I cancelled my service.
By doing so, they have preceeded to charge me early termination fee of which I was unaware of'
They also say its their policy to debit those fees from any credit card on file.
I hope people read these complaints and do not get caught up with direct tv, s

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
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Direct TV - The Facts

Dish network is soo much bette

Dish Network
Scandel no respect for long time users

Direct TV
Early Termination

Direct TV
Terrible company

Don't get direct tv!

Direct TV
Early termination

Direct tv service
Service and Signal

Direct TV Dish Network

Direct tv just isn't worth it