Time warner cable kansas city
Hostage - robbery

TV & Radio

How to start - they claim they're "well priced" nevertheless when they provide kickbacks to an apartment complex (they refuse) they don't need to be aggressive! A person DOESN'T HAVE OPTION in wire support plus they do that: you could have our support in a discount in the event that you sign A - 15 month agreement (ONCE THEY UNDERSTAND rents are 12 weeks!) HELLO OF COURSE IF you decide to stop your support after 12 weeks - YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU'RE CHARGED A LARGE TERMINATION CHARGE and also have to cover the credits you'd been provided!!! They say HELLO that does not meet your needs? You could have our support in a every month support but you'll be billed top dollar that will be two times as muchas you had been billed at your last wire organization (wire with web) who you'd like to proceed with NEVERTHELESS your condo complex will not permit opposition directly into there complex (RECALL THEY'RE RECEIVING KICKBACKS -BUT TIMEWARNER SAYS THEY'RE NOT PAYING IT!!!). BUT HEY delay you are able to signal a deal JUST FOR 10 weeks of course if you decide to proceed from THERE-YOU CAN PAY TOP DOLLAR! RECALL thats two times as much? Therefore somebody PLEASE inform me where are they aggressive???

Company: Time warner cable kansas city
Country: USA
State: Kansas
City: Overland Park
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Fraudulent charges

I would have to wait two to four days for a technician

I would not recommend this company to anyone else

The service is awful and the rates are OVERPRICED

Sick of mediacom

Time Warner Cable
Signal breaking up

Direct TV
Bad service!

No HD available, no other options!

They are overpriced, rude, incompetent, and unreliable

Never ever again