Dish Network
Termination of contract without CONSENT - DISH NETWORK LIES

TV & Radio

Here is the sequence of events that occurred with me –

1. I got into a DISH contract for 2 years around Dec’2011 and my Account number is 8255909638386679 and I was back in Atlanta then. Problem started when I decided to Seattle in Dec’2012. Before starting from Atlanta I called a Dish CSR to check about their Movers process. The CSR told me they would send a technician to my new address in Seattle to do the set up. Then I enquired in case if the technician is not able to get proper signal for whatever reasons then what will happen and the CSR told me then we will take you off the contract without any issues. I said fine as this is what you expect from a service provider when they are not able to provide you service.

2. After moving to Seattle I setup an appointment for a technician to come and do the set up. He did arrive in time on Jan 12th but he said my apartment is “out of line of sight” and I need to talk to someone from the Account team to take care of my contract.

3. Then I talked to a CSR on Jan 12th evening and to my shock they started explaining me that I will have to pay a early termination fee of $217 for breaking the contract where in the first place they are not able to provide service. Then he started explaining other options like freezing the TV connection for next 6 months and all that. I was having difficulty to understand why I will have to pay Dish when they are not able to provide service. Then I asked him to connect me to one of his supervisor and waited for another 10 mins for the supervisor to arrive. This new guy (the so called supervisor) was the RUDEST person I have ever talked to. He just said we could not do anything and we are cancelling your contract and you will have to pay early termination fee. The I tried stopping him by saying that I do not want to cancel the contract and pay early termination fee though I was ready to cancel the contract if Dish waives off the termination fee and also tried telling him if they could send some other technician to double check if my apartment is in “line of sight”. He simply came back saying that he cannot send another technician and he will go ahead and terminate my contract and he hang up the phone. I do not know if it’s their standard business practice. For sure they will never win me back as a customer and definitely I will scream around telling everyone who I know not to go for DISH contract ever in their life.
4. I thought of logging into my DISH account to see if the CSR really disconnected my connection and I was shocked to see that my account is disconnected. My question is how can someone force you to cancel your contract without your CONSENT and then force you pay early termination fee? What sort of unfair business practice is this?

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
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Termination of contract without consent

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