CSA Travel Protection
CSA Travel Protection Don't waste your money - they will do it for you

Traveling & Tourism

Complete ripoff. I bought their travel insurance this past August for a short 5 day trip to Minnesota. I became very ill when I arrived and had to go to the hospital for 2 weeks and major heart surgery. From the first time I contacted CSA, they engaged in a process of slow rolling any information, provided no assistance travel wise and made unreasobable physical demands on me to conform to their misleading claims process They sent me forms via email which I could only access with my phone during my hospitalization requiring me to sign and fax them authirization forns to start a claim. I told them over and over, that I was seriously ill and facing major heart surgery yet they insisted I had to find some way to print out their medical claims forms, sign them, and fax back to them from my hospital bed with accompanying supporting documentation and receipts!

Once I was discharged from the hospital, being in a city away from home and with no transportation and recovering from surgery, I took taxis to the local Fedex office to print, sign and fax them their medical claims and travel expense forms, and even though their policy claims to cover local transportation, they refused to reimburse any expenses incurred, medical or local travel, claiming they were not covered.

It was very important for me to return home to Maryland to follow up with my doctors, CSA offered no help or assistance whatsoever rebooking my return flight, telling me over and over they were trying to figure out the best way for me to get home. After a week of asking for their help, I finally made and paid for my own return flight to MD as I had to keep informing them the only way I was going to get home was to fly home.

The day before my flight after I continuously told them they provided no assistance whatsoever, they upgraded my reservation and offered wheel chair assistance. I would still be in Minnesota while they tried to figure out how to book a flight for me. I assembled 25 pages of receipts and faxed them only to be told I had to mail them to CA! They recanted and then said a fax was ok and then denied payment of all expenses besides my air change fee. They caused me tremendous stress after enduring heart bypass surgery and were difficult and unreasobable to deal with. Horrible experience.

Company: CSA Travel Protection
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: P.O. Box 939057
Phone: 8005413522
Site: csatravelprotection.com
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