AANR Nudist / American Association Nude Recreation
AANR Nudist AANR SW Discrimination against Young Adults by AANR Nudist American Association Nude Recreation

Traveling & Tourism

I too was discriminated against by this organization. I purchased a membership with them and thought I was getting a really good deal. It seemed I was getting 20% off when I visited a nudist club or resort. But when I visited the resort, I was hugely disappointed in their services. I had to pay ground fees, not to mention an extra fee for setting up a tent or trailer. If you brought food you were invited to the dinner they had that evening. I didn't so I just ate some snacks. The resort I visited called Wildwood in Decatur Texas, was devoid of anything to do. They had a pool, but it wasn't open yet. The hot tub was pretty much the only facility available. They had a pool tournament going on, and a dart throwing contest. If you didn't want to participate in those games you could walk the so called beautiful trails around the resort. What fun! Anyway, I tried to make the best out of it and got to know a few people there. I was in my early 20's and no young adults were there. There were only teenagers who were related to some of the members. Well I didn't exactly fit in with the older crowd of people who were in their fifties and sixties, so I began associating with the teenagers there. I was having a good time, plus we could relate to each other on so many levels. But then came the big shock I was about to receive. I was told by one of the older male members that I shouldn't hang around with the teenagers because I was in my 20's, and that if I didn't want to go to the office, I better hang out with the older adults. I didn't care to hang out with members who were my grandparents age and play cards while drinking coffee! So I continued hanging out with the teenagers. I got along with the teenagers well and we had a lot in common. While we were in the hot tub talking an old man about 65 or so came out and asked what one of the teenagers were doing when he was wrestling in the hot tub with a girl teenager. He replied, he was just playing around. The older man told him not to test him and that I better not test him either or else! We left the hot tub and went inside the club house and we began talking. One of the girls began rubbing my hair and I became aroused. Just then the manager walked in and said I've seen arousal with you! If I have to ask you again to hang around with the adults you're leaving. I said okay and went to the dance alone and watched the older couples in their 50's and 60's dance to old country music. Just then an older man about 67 or so came over and sat by me, and he brought his insulin tank or whatever with him. He asked me the real reason that I came there and I told him to meet other like minded people and make some friends. I was tired of being interrogated so I left and went back to my room alone. I sat there asking myself why I was being discriminated against and why I was told not to hang around with anyone close to my age. The next day as I was leaving I was asked by one of the teenage girls if I was going to come back, and I said I might, I don't know. They told me not to let Connie who was the manager/owner scare me away. So I decided to purchase another night for the next weekend. There was supposed to be games and a dance the next weekend. The week went by and the weekend soon came and when I arrived at the resort, I noticed I was the first one there, or so I thought. I decided to throw some darts alone until everyone arrived. However I was throwing darts for a long time before I realized what was going on. Finally an older member in his 50's told me that no one would be there this weekend. He didn't say why and the very few older adults who were there ignored me and acted as if I wasn't there. I went to my room thinking I can't believe this, I've been ripped off! They must have told the teenagers to stay away from me, and told the older adults that I was something I wasn't. I was the only one in the house where I stayed that night. The next morning, I supposed to stay another night, but I packed up and left realizing that they didn't want me there. The teenagers were about 16 and 17 years old, I was 23 years old. What was so wrong about hanging around with them? They were the only ones there I could possibly relate to! Everyone else were way over the hill and may as well have been in a nursing home. So AANR Nudist American Association for Nude Recreation is a rip off if you happen to be a young adult single male. I haven't heard of a young adult single female being discriminated against. I suppose it does happen considering they only want older adults at their resorts.

Company: AANR Nudist / American Association Nude Recreation
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Kissimmee
Address: 1703 North Main St. Suite E
Phone: 4079332064
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American Association Nude Recreation
AANR, Kissimmee, AANR membership not worth it for single men and women!

American Association for Nude Recreation
AANR They took my money and cancelled my membership within one month

American Association for Nude Recreation
AANR Memberships World of Nude Recreation Featured AANR Clubs Nudist Events If you have a complaint about a member or club they will not address it and act as if its no big deal!

American Association for Nude Recreation
AANR, The credible voice of reason for nude recreation since 1931, nudist resort locator Does not listen to member or visitor complaints, and does not investigate complaints. Singles are watched constantly when visiting clubs

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