Worldwide Readers Service, Inc
Worldwide Readers Ripoff unsuspecting family trying to do good in AR


Back in April of this year our doorbell rang around 9pm. Seeing two black men outside I was somewhat suspicious why they would be coming so late. The older man at the door, around 45 years old, said we are good 'mam, just wanting to visit a minute. I asked my husband to come to the door and we began talking with the 2 men. The younger boy was around 17 and we were told by the older gentleman that he was in a teen help program in Pine Bluff, AR. The organization mentored these young troubled teenagers, showing them the benefits of hard work, etc. They said they were Christians and they would never try to pull the wool over our eyes. My compassion went out to the young boy and I bought a subscription to 2 magazines. It is now July and I have yet to see anything.

I just now started researching the company and shouldn't be surprised by what I have seen. I will never respond to door to door salesmen in the future as a result of this incident. I am out $60 dollars. I know the Lord will work it out on their side.

Shouldn't be surprised I guess, in AR.

Company: Worldwide Readers Service, Inc
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Chesapeake
Address: 13255 SW 137 Ave Suite 107 Miami, FL
Phone: 7578189497
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