Travelsmith, Inc
Avoid this rip-off joint like the plague! - catalog sales

Traveling & Tourism

Warning! Danger!
I made the mistake of ordering $525.99 worth of goods from this credit-card fraud factory a week before I was to fly to Europe for a long-planned, much-needed vacation. Within 12 hours, Travelsmith had charged my card for $2,103.96! There they were on the on-line statement for my credit card account: 4 identical Travelsmith charges, each with the same date, each for $525.99. Not only did this result in an overcharge condition (and additional charges) on my credit card, but Travelsmith's available telephone personnel could provide no explanation and nothing but bland assurances that it "should take care of itself in a few days." Later, they flatly contradicted me. While I was looking at the online account status page for my account at my credit card issuer's website, staring straight at the FOUR IDENTICAL $525.99 charges for Travelsmith Catalog, Travelsmith personnel kept blandly insisting there was only one such charge. I begged them to call the credit-card issuer and tell them there should be only one $525.99 charge, I even gave them the phone number and contact information for the person I had (after much time and trouble) located at the credit card issuer who said he could fix it, if the merchant would contact him. Travelsmith simply said they cannot do that. As a result, I am unable to make other needed travel-prep purchases, nor will I be able to fly with any assurance that I will be able to use my credit card while I am in Europe. MY TRIP TO EUROPE HAS BEEN RUINED! I assume I will eventually be able to recover some of my money through the credit-card "dispute" mechanism, but that is small consolation at this point.

Company: Travelsmith, Inc
Country: USA
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Travelsmith, Inc
Avoid rip off

Travelsmith, Inc
Quadruple Charging - Catalog sales

Extreme shipping charges

Travelsmith Outfitters Sold used/dirty handbag as new

Road Runner Sports
Fraudulent Credit Card Charges From Company I Had Never Heard Of

Dri#swreg And Pti Europe
Fraudulent charge on credit card

USA Credit
Ripoff Represented as a major credit card Really only a catalog card

PTI Europe Region
Unauthorised charge to credit card made on two consecutive days

Ap9* Galleriausa Ct
Adaptive Marketing, LLC Galleria charges my credit card even after I have disputed with Citibank, unable to cancel

800-712-7226 have on credit card 2 mnts fraudprotection telephonr #8007127226