Delrey Travel
DVI Not On The Level

Traveling & Tourism

We just sat through the 90min presentation. The salesmen are very polished and an unsuspecting person might think it is a legitimate. It is an outright scam from the get go. They try to take you all the way through the end. We went through all the stages and didn't bite. The last one, he asked me to sign that I had read the terms and conditions. I asked him where were the terms and conditions and then he presented them to me. The initial post said that there was a $100 refundable fee. Our terms and conditions had a $75 dollar fee... Refundable. Yeah right. It said it had to be in the form of a money order or cashiers check. Why???

The salesman said that it was for taxes for the trip. When I pointed out that the taxes are dependent upon the cost of the tix even if they are free, he said that they would either refund the balance or charge us more. When I asked why they aren't specifying that the $75 is for tax and he said he didn't know. He said that I needed to sign the form even if I didn't want the free airfare and hotel. He said that if I didn't sign he would get in trouble. I said "you should get in trouble it is supposed to be a free gift and you are charging us $75..." I came home and saw this and thought... Aw man... I want my two hours back!

Company: Delrey Travel
Country: USA
State: California
City: Valencia
Address: 25124 Springfield Court Suite 170
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Extreme AcaiBerry
Comments for those who didn't understand the terms and Conditions

Etreme Acaiberry
Comments for those who didn't understand the Termsand Conditions

Five Points Travel
Invited us to a 90 minutes presentation on travel services they provide by offering free gifts and tried to pressurise us to sign up for travel club membership at a cost of approx $9000.00

Do not sign up for this service! Read the terms and conditions completely!

BBZ Resource Management - Incentive International
Getting your gas and grocery rebate

Order cd and were told they were free. Then charge becuase of a Trial Period
Rip-off! Free Credit Report isn't FREE! Billed by scam artists!

TeaLife LLC
Ignorant custome

Premium White Pro
Rip-off scam artists

Global Domains Inc
Consumer Report