"Wc *value Plus-v
We noticed that they charged us 5 times for 3 memberships we did not authorize

Traveling & Tourism

Me and my husband noticed on our bank card that there were 5 charges on there for membership services and we did not authorize them and when i called them they stated they only charged us 3 times and 2 of those were refunded however we still have not recieved the refund. Watch out for this company they are scammers and they will charge you bank or credit cards.

Company: "Wc *value Plus-v
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Hopkins
Address: PO Box 5265
Phone: 8004751942
  <     >  


Acai Berry
Charged my credit card three times for a product I did not receive or authorize

They will charge you and not refund you!

Fraudulent charges made to my credit card... Unknowingly signed up for some sort of membership

Greatfunonline Unauthorized Credit Card Charges

Unauthorized Charges

Vpclubus And Bizmax
Vista Print or SHOPESPLUS Repeated Fraudulent Charges

"Easy Fast Help", Prolast, "Download Provider"
And, Apparently, Many Other Names And I thought I was signing up for a trial so that I could download one particular song

TLG Great Fun
Fraudulenly Charged My My Credit Card Great fun is a rip off and stole my money

MB Hot Planet
Scammers Calfornia

Next Card
Is a ripoff. San Fransisco, California & Arizona