Vpclubus And Bizmax
Vista Print or SHOPESPLUS Repeated Fraudulent Charges


My husband ordered business cards from Vista Print. Apparently they signed him up for a TWO "club" memberships. They did not mention these memberships. I checked my credit card and noticed we were being charged two $14.95 every month. I called and they are going to refund my $119.00 but I wanted to warn anyone buying from this company you may be getting more than you bargained for. The charges show up on your credit statement as SHOPESPLUS and VPCLUBUS.

Company: Vpclubus And Bizmax
Country: USA
Site: vistaprint.com
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Vista Print Fraudulent monthly changes to my credit card account by this fictitious business

"Businessmax" "Dealpass" "Vista Print"
VPCLUBUS Deceptive Scam!

Bizmax vistaprint
Bizmax - vistaprint - ShopessPlus Unauthorized Charges From BizMax and ShopessPlus on Debit Card

Buisness Max, pass Port To Fun - Vista Print
Fraud charge to credit card

Bizmax vistaprint
Both vista print and bizmax charged me 14.95 without my consent

VP Club US Vista Print
Vista Print - Unathorized Charges

Vpclubus And Bizmax
Both charged $14.95 to my checking account without my permission

Vista Print USA
Vpclubus Vista Print, vpclubus scam

"Businessmax" "Dealpass" "Vista Print"
Vista Print Unathorized charges on my credit card

AP9 Businessmax - Vista Print
Ripoff Recurring charges