Took my money but did not produce the goods

Traveling & Tourism

I purchased a 5 day 4 nights all inclusive vacation for 3 in Oct. Of 08. The price was $1567.00. I paid for it with my charge card. Later that night I thought it might be a rip off. The next day I called the company and tried to cancel the deal. They at first told me that it was impossible. I told them I was just going to cancel it on my charge card. After some convincing, the guy tells me that he would agree to cancel it but it would take a couple of days. I still did not trust the individual so I did contact my credit card company. They took the charge off my account. Then in January, Truevacancy sent them a letter showing how I had furnished them my info and the recharged my account. At this time I thought that my cahrge card company had checked them out and it must be legit. I then decided that I would take the May of 09 I tried to set the vacation up and found out it is a rip off. I tried to refile with my charge card company but they tell me now that the time limits have expired and there is nothing they can do about it.

Company: Truevacancy
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: P.O. Box 61673
Phone: 3214604760
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