Vacation Register
Stealing, Lying, and triyng to duck the law by switching names

Traveling & Tourism

I have been a victim of this company. This is the second company with broken promises so i asked a friend to do some research and found out that they have 2 locations 2nd branch is owned by a John Haggar. The main office is no longer in business the owner is convicted felon and now they are changing their name to avoid dealing with the law.

Michael C. Earle - President

Below you will find information which is a matter of public record.

Http:// Aspx? Id=1209131

Http:// Aspx? Id=1274706

Http://www.hcso. Tampa. Fl.Us/pub/default.Asp? / Online/qdisp/bn=05077598

Http://www.hcso. Tampa. Fl.Us/pub/default.Asp? / Online/qdisp/bn=07001022

The better bussiness bureu rates this company "F":


I was also informed this company is currently under review by the state attorney of florida:

Http:// Nsf/0/6DF5F4FCF356D1588525742C0066B253? Open&Highlight=0, vacation, register

Now they are trying to avoid legal issues by changing the company name to
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Be VERY carful before you agree to pay this company a singe cent! An educated consumer.

Company: Vacation Register
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Largo
Address: 2200 Tall Pines Dr Ste 124
Phone: 8885704422
  <     >  


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