MWI - Simple Escapes 2
Another victim of MWI Simple Escapes 2 ripoff fraud business Connecticut

Traveling & Tourism

My husband and I recieved a credit card bill yesterday with a $139 charge from Simple Escapes 2. Neither of us had authorized these charges and were confused.

Today I did some online research and found that we are not the only victims. We are also AOL subscribers and the only place my husband's credit card has ever been used online is for AOL billing, which gives credence to those who suggest AOL is selling credit card numbers.

I have contacted our local television news channel, (Lexington, Kentucky) which features a consumer alert report almost every night, with links to this website and a contact name and number.

We have not yet called to ask for a refund. That joy is left for another day.

Company: MWI - Simple Escapes 2
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Stamford
Address: Connecticut
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