Rush My Passport Or Expedited Travel
Promised our visas in 2-3 days but took from May 30 until June 21 before they were received

Traveling & Tourism

When I got ready to obtain the visas for our trip to Brazil, I looked on the internet and found a company called Rush My Passport. They stated that they were used by Forbes and MSNBC. I them looked at the information and they claimed they could get our visas in 2-3 days.

I downloaded the specific information that I would need to get our visas for Brazil and did the checkoff sheet. They said I only needed so many but I sent the entire list to make sure that we did not have any problems. I sent them overnite express on May 29th and they were received on May 30th which was a Friday morning. Our flight was scheduled on June 9th which gave them 10 days to process our information.

On the following Wednesday, I received a phone call saying that they could not process the visa in 2-3 days as said on the internet site. They said it would take 4 days and I did not think that it would still be a problem. However, I received a call saying that our paperwork was turned in on Wednesday and that I needed to go in and print off a change in our flight but not to change our flight times. I did so and faxed them the new information. I then received a call later that week that our visas would not be approved that week and we would have to change our flights and they would resubmit our paperwork since our flight was not a week in advance of the request.

I called and paid another $400.00 to change our tickets to June 16th. However, this was extremely dissapointing to my daughter who was to celebrate her 16th birthday in Brazil on June 12th. We had to cancel the party in Brazil but it was too late to plan something here so her 16th birthday was not as special as I had planned. I was still ready to go on the 16th and our friends in Brazil were patiently waiting for our arrival.

On June 13th, I received a call from the company saying that I had received my visa, but my daughters had been denied because her father did not sign the travel form. They informed me that they needed me to redo the form. I informed them that I had sole custody so her fathers signature was not required. They then told me that I did not send the paperwork. I then went to my file and informed them that I had sent the original court order in the divorce showing them I had sole custody and had even sent a copy of the court document where her name was changed since it showed the name change on the birth certificate. They then called me back and said that they found the paperwork but had not included it with the paperwork to the consulate. I asked them if they could take them to the consulate and still get her visa since it was their error. They said they would check but they never returned my call and after 37 calls and messages left. I had no alternative but to change our flights again.

I then changed our flights to leave on June 23rd but this time it was $640.00 to change our tickets.instead of our tickets costing us $2300.00, they were now $3340.00. I still did not know whether my daughter would get her passport and finally I received a call on Friday, June 20th, that she would receive her visa on June 21. Finally, we were able to leave on June 23. Unfortunately we had made plans to travel to the Amazon and to the falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Those plans had to be cancelled because we had to return on July 9th. So after $3340.00 our plans to have stayed a month changed to two weeks and my daughter missed out on our plans for her very special 16th birthday.

This company ruined my daughters 16th birthday, made us miss out on two weeks of our vacation and cost me more than I should have had to pay. I made a mistake using this company and trusting their promises on their website. I can only hope that this note helps others who are thinking of using this company

Company: Rush My Passport Or Expedited Travel
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Address: 412 Clematis Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 5615849130
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