They screwed up my flight trips and I have to pay for it

Traveling & Tourism

I called expedia directly for a vacation package to two Hawaiian Islands. We were to spend 4 days on the Big Island from April 21 to 25 and Maui on April 25 to 29. Well needless to say, for some reason, the agent, Dennis, booked out inter-island flight for June 25.

I am currently on hold with an expedia agent, Eda, she said we can still get our inter-island flight for the 25th of April, but I will have to pay the change fee of $25 per person plus whatever the airline fee is for the flight (increase or difference), which is my only option.

They set up the package for me, but I have to pay for their screw up. She said for me to get credited or for them to clear the matter without any further cost will be a very very long process. Only a manager or higher level will be able to make the decision.

I am now on hold for over 61 minutes and counting for a manager. She never once got back on the phone.in the meantime, I'm still stuck without an inter-island flight while Eda finds a manager for me.

Company: Expedia
Country: USA
Site: expedia.com
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Expedia - says they can't reschedule a flight - and then passes buck on refunding my money - Expedia Travel

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Expedia cancelling my flight for no apparent reason - Expedia.com

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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Expedia booked wrong flight time - change flight date

Don't book through Expedia! They hold your money for service not provided