Fairfield Resorts
Ripoff, Dishonest, Embellishing, Inconsiderate, and Unethical

Traveling & Tourism

My wife and I were invited to attend one of these high pressure sales pitches, and it was as if the sales people picked up on the scent of curiosity. With all of the flash and dazzle which was presented to us, along with service people who refused to want to hear NO for an answer, our patience and hesitations were worn down to a nub.

After being told about all of these "great" deals we could be offered, the sales people (and I emphasize on PEOPLE, because we were passed around the floor from person to person like a cheap bottle of malt liquor) would continue to try to overtalk us and put the packages and conditions into terms they knew we could not understand. Everytime that they would sense the slightest sign of resistance, someone new would "coincedently" pop over and start talking circles around us again.

Keep in mind this simple thing: we are a military family, and I knew at the time that I would be deployed around the time that our points would first be usable with our payments. We were not only assured they were giving us such a low price that it would hurt them, but that with a simple call telling them when the exact date of my deployment to Iraq would take place, they would suspend payments until my return home. They began to emphasize the idea of a "beautiful and well deserved vacation for serving so faithfully and proudly to this great company". (Insert patriotic tear for dramatic flair on the sales people).

After figuring our budget, and being assured after many "unauthorized" meetings with the supervisory sales managers, a low price of about $95.00 per month was set. Okay... We can handle that I suppose, but we were constantly assured that we would not have to be worried about being charged while I was deployed. As I am sure the readers of this complaint are guessing... The payments were NOT stopped, even after three phone calls to confirm that the payments would be suspended.

My wife, outraged by the deception, called to cancel the account in June. Come to find out durring this call, that she owed $200, which is quite a bit for the average military family. The customer represenative tried to strike a deal with my wife, saying that they would drop one months payment if she made one payment by September. She did not make any payment and left the issue for me to handle once I returned from Iraq.

Once I returned home, and finding out everything that had transpired, I was determined to cancel the account. I made a call to the cancelation department, and was instantly routed to the delinquent accounts department. I was not even allowed to get a word out edgewise. This became a recurring pattern as I began to realize that even though I had safely made it home, I was still fighting a war. I was told that we owed $500 now and that payment was due immidately or we would be canceled and refered to a collections agency. Keep in mind that in the Army, soldiers can actually be seperated from duty due to bad credit.

This soon became a regular battle, as I would attempt to call each day to try to cancel the account, and also get reimbursement for the falsehood told to me in regards to the suspended payment. Everytime (yep, you guessed it), I hardly got a word out when beginning my complaint, and was instantly transfered to the delinquent accounts department. At this time, my wife and I had become livid, and were certianly fit to be tied.

Finally having had enough, I one day outright screamed at the delinquent accounts department customer representative "Listen lady! I have been trying to cancel my account for a month now, and am fed up! I am not going anywhere until I am allowed to speak to a supervisor and am able to cancel my account!"

I hate to be abrupt on the phone like that, and could hear her voice shaking when she told me to hold for the transfer. I spoke to the supervisor/manager incharge of the canceling, and was assured the matter would be resolved.

A month later, I recieve a call from Wyndham, stating I had been "approved for a VIP" package because my wife and I were formerly discovery package members. I was outraged at the audacity of the person when I stated that we had canceled due to deception and rude treatment from the customer service of Fairfield, and all he could say was "oh... If you are going to be like that *click*". Yes, he hung up on me.

The only reason the (insert appropriate explative here) have not gotten anymore money is because my wife had to open a new bank account for an unrelated matter. These people prey on dreams of those who are only wanting to have some happiness, at what is proposed as "the deal of a lifetime!", when in reality those dreams are simply a financial figure which becomes victimized by moneyhungry liars only focused on how much they can stuff their pockets.

I beg anyone who is not wanting to go through one of the worst experiences of their lifetimes, please avoid these companies at all costs. As for me... I am now going to take this matter to the Army Consumer Affairs Office... Perhaps there will be some closure, and this nightmare can be put behind us once and for all...

Fort Campbell, Kentucky

Company: Fairfield Resorts
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 8427 Southpark Circle
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