Aurora Loan
Aurora breaks the law and files foreclosure on a deployed Soldier, pregnant wife at home all alone Scottsbluff

Business & Finance

In August of by order of the President of the United States I was called back to Active Duty Military service. The California Army National Guard screwed up my pay causing me a horrible pay problem. It took the finance people in the finance office four months to correct and stabilize the problem before I began getting paid properly. Being the responsible person that I am I immediately contacted my Mortgage Company, (Aurora Loan), to inform then of my situation. Originally, they were co-operative and understanding, Aurora made me set up repayment plans though my pay mess hadn't been corrected. We set up I believe three repayment plans, the first two I obviously couldn't keep because the pay problem was not fix.

Finally, when the pay problem was fixed I mailed in my first payment. Aurora returned my check to my home address, my wife calls me to tell me that Aurora returned my check. I contacted Aurora to find out what was going on? I was informed that they could not accept a personal check because our loan was more than 90 days behind. Even though the reason that I was behind was no fault of my own! So, I was then informed that I could send Money Orders, well I did so and those were returned to my home, again, my wife called me to let me know that the Money Orders were returned by Aurora. Again, I called Aurora to find out why those were returned. I was told by the representative on the phone that the Money orders had to be "Postal Money Orders", not like seven eleven Money Orders. Then I tried to just do payments over the phone, which they wouldn't do because I was more than 90 days delinguent. Then the phone rep.informed me that I could send in my payments Western Union Quick Collect. So, I went to a Western Union sent in two Quick Collect payments, a few days later I receive a letter from Western Union telling me that my payments were refused by Aurora Loan, to please come in and pick up my money.

So at this point I'm probably pushing six months delinquent, May/ Jun. My wife calls me to tell me that she started receiving lots of phone calls from people wanting to know what we intended on doing with our home? These people were calling because Aurora filed our home in foreclosure. Meanwhile, I'm deployed away from home and my pregnant wife is home all alone to deal with this nightmare. I got on the phone, the internet, and started leaving/e-mailing messages to Aurora Loan and with the assistance of a JAG Officer that was rattling the same cages that I was my complaint was elevated to the EXECUTIVE level.

Company: Aurora Loan
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: 2617 College Park, POBox 1706, Scottsbluff
Address: 10350 Park Meadows Dr., 4th Flr., Littleton, CO. 80124
Phone: 7209454055
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Aurora Loan Service

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