Astar High pressure selling insisting on credit card details

Traveling & Tourism

Don't give your Credit Card info
November 13th

I received a call from an USA company claiming I had won a prize - a holiday for two weeks in the States. They would sponsor 2100US$ and all I had to pay was the remaininf 998US$. All I needed was a valid drivers' license and a credit card. The dude sent me to a web site ( and took me through some holiday itinery. After much sales talk the dude put me on hold after which some other dude took over and proceeded to tempt me into divulging my credit card expiry date and numbers. After I refused he got offensive saying I should call Visa and tell them I'm too afraid to use my card. I seriously think it was a scam, and if its not, tough luck. Be very careful who you give your info to, that's all!

Thanks for this service!

South Africa

Company: Astar
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: 12421 N, Florida Ave, Suite C-220
Phone: 8136768900
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