Pro Travel Network
Pyramid type "opportunity"

Traveling & Tourism

I signed up to become an Independant Travel Agent (ITA) through Pro Travel Network after attending a seminar on their business opportunity. Everything was made to seem fabulous, the income, the lifestyle, being able to travel the world for little to nothing as an ITA.

The sad reality was this cost me over $500 to get started and I was told training and education were all available free of charge on "your" website which they would run for you. I received training on how to use the website through conference calls which cost me a lot of money for long distance. Also the education was found on some online tests which also was to cost me more. Not to mention the monthly and yearly fees which I was to pay as long as I was a member of this company.

The was this worked was you were to try to get more people to join this company selling travel online and fill up your matrix (pyramid). You made money from signing people up and from travel sales. Everything was fine until I found out about all the extra costs associated with getting started, which I was not informed about until long after my 3 day money back guarantee had passed... 3 DAYS!!! Needless to say I should have looked into this alot closer before getting involved, that was my own mistake.

All that I wanted was to get my $500 investment back. When I called to inquire about this I was told about the 3 day time period to receive your refund and when asked why I was not told about additional expenses, I did not receive a satisfactory response. I was told I would not receive a refund on any money I had given to them and there was nothing I could do. So I asked "Pretty much, you are saying, I am screwed and not getting my money back?" Their response was "ummm, yes, if that is the way you want to look at it, you signed in the agreement a 3 day money back guarantee which has long passed."

Thanks Pro Travel for taking my money and making me wiser for asking more questions before I do anything now. Hope I helped some other people out there save their money.

London, Ontario

Company: Pro Travel Network
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fresno
Phone: 5592246000
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Pro Travel Network

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