Access Travel Network
Consumer Report


I received a phone call from ACCESS TRAVEL NETWORK shortly after purchasing vacation property with Wyndham resorts and RCI affiliate weeks. They said they would sell my RCI weeks to help "pay my property maintenance fees." I was told repeatedly during the 90 minute conversation that it was a money back guarantee. I was told that I must "pay for the weeks from RCI and it had to be me because I was the owner." I was charged $2250 that was 15 weeks at $150.00 each. The agent went so far as to say I could leave the charge on my credit card because the money back guarantee was for 90 days and the finance charge would be minimal when I was going to receive $1100 for each of 15 weeks. The 90 day guarantee passed and when I contacted ACCESS TRAVEL NETWORK they gave me the run-around repeatedly saying they were going to pull the recording of the guarantee and return my call, but never did. I have since filed a complaint with my credit card company to dispute the charge and also contacted the Consumer's Protection Agency in both Florida where ACCESS TRAVEL NETWORK is located and in Tennessee where I live. I have also filed a complaint with RCI and Wyndham properties as well as the Better Business Bureau. I am a single parent and I have worked very hard for many years to get to a place where I am financially able to invest in a vacation property for my children and I to use. I am very angry and hurt that my information was accessed by this unscrupulous company and hope that even if I am unable to get my money back I can help prevent ACCESS TRAVEL NETWORK from taking advantage of someone else and stealing their hard money through manipulation and scam.

Company: Access Travel Network
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
ZIP: 32807
Address: 672 N Semoran Blvd, Ste 301
Phone: 7023472341, 3212775479, 8887515547
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Access Travel Network
Consumer Report

Access Travel Network
Consumer Report

Access Travel Network
Consumer Report

Access Travel Network
Consumer Report

Access Travel Network
Consumer Report

Access Travel Network
Consumer Report

Access Income Institute
Consumer Report

Access Travel Network
Consumer Report

Access Travel Network
Consumer Report

Access Travel Network
Consumer Report