Calypso Cay Resorts, Ccay Resort
Rippoff, dishonest, fraudulent billing, false claims and promotions

Traveling & Tourism

Please note: Novice users BEWARE! I now know about website pop ups and not to respond to them. I was given a link to the site Amish Donkey through an email a mate sent me.

When I got on there I discovered I was the 1,000, 000th visitor to this site and had won a prize. I rang the phone number before the timer ran out to to claim my prize. I was told for a contribution of $568 I had won a holiday package valued at $1000s.

These pr$#ks are professionals. After discussing the package and all the extra features they were giving me I wasn, t sure I could afford transport costs etc. I was put through to someone else who told me I could bring 2 other friends, an extra 5nights at a new resort of theirs plus a Bahamas Cruise all meals entertainment included if I reserved it that day. Before getting my credit card details I asked if it was refundable if I was unable to go. He told I had 30 days to reverse the transaction.

They told me they would email me after i got off the phone and gave me their website to log on to. When I looked it up on my computer I found out it was a scam thank you JAY in Rotorua who made a rippoff report.

I rang them back straight away to cancel and get refund, but was told they were all busy and they would email me or ring me back. They didn't email me but they rang to see what I wanted I told them I wanted to be refunded. They basically wouldn't put through my reqeust.

Today I went to the bank and filled in a deputes claim against the charge. Thank You for the advice Rippoff report. If I wasn't so STUPID I would have relized it was a scam. Hindsight a wonderful thing. Does anyone know what the chances are of geting my hard earned money back?


Company: Calypso Cay Resorts, Ccay Resort
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Orlando
Phone: 1800450021
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AmeriSuites Vacation Club At Calypso Cay Resort
Amerisuites Vacation Club Calypso Cay Resort rip off sold me a vacation package for $598USD then when booking dates wanted another $577USD for admin fees for 3 travellrs on the Bahamas Cruise Orlando Florido

Calypso Cay Resort, Amerisuites Vacation Club
Gave false helpline phone numbers, won't return calls, won't return money. Florida

Cylpso Cay Resort
Promised a wonderful holiday, for a very low price but after paying decide to check the website you got it no such company Orlando Florida
Consumer Report

Calybsocay Resort
Simon SCAM! Calybsocay Resort

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Elite Financial Services
A company fraudently claiming we had won a $10,000 5star all inclusive holiday to Cancun. Mexico

Calypso Cay
Calypso cay fraud scam kissimmee

Calypso Cay Resort Aka AmeriSuite Vacations
Orlando/Bahamas Vacation Phone Scam: Will Claim to be calling on behalf of Credit Card Company as Grand Prize Winner: Will Take Money and Dissapear! Will not answer calls or provide information!

Calypso Cay Resort
Scam, Liars, Dishonest, Rip-off, Illegal