Ramada Plaza Resorts
Ripoff How To Get Your Money Back

Traveling & Tourism

My boyfriend and I were taken for $698.00. I called RPR and was told there was no way possible to get a refund. I contacted the Office of the ATtorney general for the STate of FLorida and He told me to write a letter a Daniel Lambert (there are examples posted on this site) and was only told to email Gina Johns (gmj@rpr1000.com), I emailed her yesterday August 8th, and today, August 9th she emailed me back telling me a credit of $698 was going to be credited to my account.

Just to let you know I put my deposit down on July 1st, so it was over 30 days, so don't think that you can't get your money back just becuase it has been over 30 days. The money hasn't shown up on my card yet, it takes a few days to post.

Good Luck to every one!

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 2149 E Commericial Blvd
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