Ramada Plaza Resorts
Refused To Return Deposit Of Unscheduled Vacation, The company tried to steal $698 from me. Refused to give a down payment back when I canceled an open date vacation. Ripoff, Orlando

Traveling & Tourism

I would like everyone to know that if they have lost money through RPR vacation resorts, there is still hope. Bad business burea reports saved me from losing a lot of money on a horrible vacation.

I had open dates for my vacation with RPR and purchased the package in August. So a lot of time has lapsed since then, but I still have good news. I was about to call them and schedule my vacation, when I decided to go online and see if they had a website. I typed in Ramada Plaza Resorts in the google search engine and lo and behold, there were multiple complaints on the business. I can't even tell you how many websites it pulled up just with complaints. I visited usacomplaints.com and saw multiple complaints within the website and immediately got off the internet and called RPR to cancel my vacation. Yep, you guessed it. They refused to give my $698 deposit back. They did offer, however, to upgrade my cabin on the cruise and a %100 money back guarantee after the vacation if still unsatisfied. I have since received these promises in the mail.

The good news: through a chain of phone calls I reached Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. I filed a complaint with them, and in less than a month my account has been credited with the money.

So, if any of you are still fighting for your money, I think the Florida DOACS will probably be able to get it back for you.

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft. Lauderdale
Site: vacationmoments.com
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