

Our mortgage was offered to Ocwen feb. 2010. Peviously. I had been with HomEq maintenance. Ocwen states I'm behind 8 weeks. I've proven proof of funds, faxed proof, e-mailed proof, and Ocwen nevertheless haven't approved my proof. After I deliver my regular payments today I insert my funds. I spend additional but my funds exist. I wrote the credit bueaus and considering employing a lawyer. Our credit has been slanderes. Please various other mortgage company get my mortgage, with english speaking people!!!

Company: Ocwen
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Missouri
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Fraud and scam

Ocwen Federal Bank
Ocwen - Mortgage is such a mess my attorney through up her hands!

Fake costs/Fraud

OCWEN Loan Servicing
LLC I am being forced out of my home by a company charging fees for their non-english speaking employees to have a job. Ripoff

Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC
Home modification

Ocwen Mortgage Company
Loan modififcation program

Ocwen Bank
Mortgage payments

Loan Fraud
Wrongful doing

Ripoff uncaring 8 days til forclosure ruined chances of refiniancing 2 times ruined credit still fighting but dont know

Refuses to acknowledge receipt of payment, wants an "extra" payment