Ripoff uncaring 8 days til forclosure ruined chances of refiniancing 2 times ruined credit still fighting but dont know

Business & Finance

The mortgage was offered to ocwen 30 days after obtaining our home finianced. We where informed to not deliver any cost til we got all of the documents from ocwen regarding where you can deliver it. We eventually got the documents and wound up 2 weeks behind, after speaking with 7 or 8 different providers. I acquired what i thought was thier fax amount to european nation 2 funds. I attempted for 3 times to deliver it down. And would call the 800 number. The providers stated it had been the best fax number, lastly i bought one owner that ultimately educated me that it had been not and he or she offered me the best number, then we received thru the email our 2nd duty payment wasn't compensated.

And so I needed to cope with various providers again. Well they didnt spend them or even the insurance which we'd escow for. Our fees wherever offered in the court-house. Then we attempted to have from them. To refinance, they advised the brand new mortgage business that people where in forclosure. Which we'd no idea. This month we're 5 funds behind today are credit is destroyed no-mortgage corporation may refinance. The final one we attempted ocwen won't actually react too. When they might have we'd have experienced them reduced before forclosure.

Company: Ocwen
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive
Phone: 8008045561
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Loan Fraud
Wrongful doing

Ocwen Loan Servicing
They are forcing a forclosure

Ocwen Loan Servicing
Aegis Mortgage Co. Mortgage companies

Ocwen Finance
Terrible everything

Ocwen Loan Services

Ocwen Finance
Rip off company

Ripoff company mixed-up my two accounts and sent both in forclosure West Palm Beach Florida

Fraud and scam

OCWEN Loan Servicing
LLC I am being forced out of my home by a company charging fees for their non-english speaking employees to have a job. Ripoff