Legacy LD Intl Inc
Home phone/calling card


I obtained a 07/21/07 from stafford tx from the household member. He created the decision having a calling card, he stated there is no owner assistance. I responded the phone call & the discussion begin. He also stated his card had plenty of minutes. I recd our march at&t-bill & involved was a statement from heritage within the amt of $28.82 5.76 misc fees to get a 17 minute call. How may i be charged a collect with no owner? That is double risk, payment me & minutes from his contacting card. This is a fraud, exactly why is government permitting such? I am requesting this co. Eliminate these fees from our bill. I approached them but to no avail. I also asked to talk to a but was denied.

Company: Legacy LD Intl Inc
Country: USA
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