Not Enuff Ammo
Slandering, belittle my business


About 6 months ago, this guy, whom i ve never met, or had any dealings with, started to slander my firearm business, and say untrue things. He also has his friends doing him a favor, and doing the same things, as well as adding that they have purchased things, and they were broken, and im an ass and related sayings. I repeatedly asked this man to please stop, and remove everything, and basically was told, no. Well, im here to tell people, ive done nothing wrong, im a small business, and will continue to post my innocense. Should nt have to, but i will. People who know of me, or know me personally, all say, whats wrong with these people. Dont they have anything better to be doing. Slandering ones business, putting out very personal information is illegal. If it continues, and these sayings, and videos, especially on youtube arent removed. Ill contine posting everywhere myself. Thank you, louis rosenberg... Blackdevil firearms refinishing.

Company: Not Enuff Ammo
Country: USA
State: Texas
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Blackdevil Firearms
Louis rosenberg edwin crawford has lied about blackdevil firearms, louis rosenberg, blackwolf custom glock shop Louis Rosenberg FFL# 1-59-099-01-5F-17152 / THIEF RIPPED ME OFF! Used my credit card without permission buy inventory

Edwin crawford
Zombiemastered25, neverenuffammo SLANDEROUS CRAP, ALL LIES

Look On Youtube
Zombiemastered25, neverenuffammo, kacaaaw, ect. Cyber harrassment, bullying, hreats. Slander. Just to name a few

Craigslist did not remove a slandering post about me and my company name after emailing after 5 hrs non stop to please remove the post and sent them all the information that they had asked for.internet
Filthy Lying Rotten Con Man!

Forex Factory
Forex Factory is slandering other traders with systems in the business, and running a scam website in general

Better Business Bureau
Slander and Extortion

Louis Rosenberg Black Devil Firearms
BlackWolf Custom Gun Coatings Dangerous, bi-polar, thief, poor service, a

Broken Creek Ranch