Forex Factory
Forex Factory is slandering other traders with systems in the business, and running a scam website in general

Business & Finance

I am letting the world know and understand that the website Forex Factory goes around the Internet to successful traders such as myself and slanders them in order to discredit them and their systems, apparently to gain more revenue for themselves. These people at Forex Factory have been attacking me for the last year, slandering me with the most vicious lies anybody could ever say about another person.

One day I went into my YouTube account and noticed half my YouTube videos were all down, I logged in and saw a message that my videos had a "copyright infringement" claim placed against them, and they were taken down by YouTube. So I went into the claim to learn more about it and saw that it was Forex Factory that had made this claim against me, saying that my own videos recorded by myself on my own computer were theirs and violated their "copyright material".

Forex Factory was obviously lying, so I filed a counter complaint with YouTube signing a form that these were my videos and were not violating any "copyrights". Two weeks went by with half my videos down and I finally won the case and YouTube put my videos back up again.

Then about one month went by and I logged into my YouTube account again and this time it was my other half of videos that were down, with another claim of "copyright infringement" filed once again by Forex Factory, which YouTube clearly indicated. I once again had to file a counter complaint and sign a form stating that these videos were mine, and violated no "copyrights". After another two weeks I won the claim again and YouTube put my videos back up.

Forex Factory took a post of mine on their own board and added to my own post calling me a scam, and began to ridicule me, and make fun of me, and do so using my own post against me, trying their absolute best to make it look as if I'm the one who is the scam artist, when in reality it is Forex Factory that is the biggest scam website probably anywhere in the world, and needs to be taken down by the FBI. I have filed a complaint to the FBI on October 24th, and here is the FBI Complaint ID Number:

Complaint Id: I1210241534261552

I have filed this complaint to the FBI and calling for charges of conspiracy to be placed against the website Forex Factory for going around the Internet and slandering traders such as myself for the purpose of advancing the profits of Forex Factory by taking out any competition to them.

And they don't just go around slandering other traders such as myself, their whole entire website is one big gigantic scam, where they lie through their teeth about trading the Forex market and then get people interested based upon these lies and once they do they click on their various links on their website and signup to a broker, to which Forex Factory gets anywhere between $125 and $250 each time somebody signs up with a broker through their website.

Another words Forex Factory is putting on a ruse to begin with in order to manipulate people into believing they are making money trading the Forex market, and then people will take the next step and signup to a broker Forex Factory recommends on their website in the form of the various banners they have, these banners all have tracking information within them and when somebody then signs up to a broker Forex Factory gets paid their commission. The perfect setup and makings of a scam in the wrong hands, and with Forex Factory it's in the worst possible hands anywhere in the world, for these people are Mafia criminals in every sense of the word and need to be shut down, before they scam thousands more people to try and trade the Forex market and before they slander many more traders like myself on the Internet.

You can learn more about what Forex Factory has done to me and other traders including watching some videos of how I've completely busted them using proxy servers to post with to slander me by going to the following webpage:

Forex Factory Scam

The website Forex Factory is a website run by the most vicious criminals I have ever witnessed before in my entire life. They have even sent me death threats.

I know there are a lot of traders out there who have been slandered by Forex Factory, and here is the place we can all gather together to take a stand against these people, and make it known to the public what they are doing to people, and how evil these people truly are. So let your voice be heard, if you've been a victim of Forex Factory yourself let everyone know, let's help the FBI put these criminals into prison where they belong.

Company: Forex Factory
Country: USA
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